In today’s digital age, we carry powerful communication devices in our pockets..

Our smartphones are versatile gadgets that  offer a myriad of features, and one of them is the ability to serve as a personal emergency alert system.

Medical alert devices and personal emergency response systems can be helpful, but who needs more devices when you already have a smartphone that you’ve paid for? That’s the premise behind using your smartphone for emergency alerts and why apps like I’m just fine! are gaining popularity.

I’m just fine! is an Android and iOS application that simplifies safety by turning your smartphone into a personal emergency response system. You can easily configure the app to collect status information at intervals that suit your needs. When it’s time for a check-in, the app asks a simple question: “Are you okay?”

By utilizing a device you already own, you not only save money but also streamline the process of staying connected and ensuring the safety of your loved ones. The familiarity and convenience of smartphones make them an ideal choice for emergency alerts, making I’m just fine! a practical and cost-effective solution.

By the way – check out the video below with National Council’ on Aging’s tips on preventing a fall which can be devastating to your health.

Wasn’t that interesting?

Would you like to learn more about I’m just fine!’s personal medical alert service?